Attendees: Bobby Puglia, Joe Costa, Brian Hoiberg, Anthony Calabrese, Vic Nieves, Brian Lavan, Brian Hoiberg, Chris Cottrell, Mike Seppi


  • Program
    • Long Term Vision
    • Structure (Help Wanted):
      – Centralize Info & Communication:
      Website (WordPress) / Team Snap / Social Media
      – Administration:
      Need someone else to know the background stuff that goes on
      Budget / Treasurer: Still managed by Lou. Need someone to take it over
      Scheduling: I’m still tweaking the system, will hold it for now
      – Girls Program:
      No new teams last year, a combined one this year
      Events: Walp Coordination, Fundraisers, Awards Night

      Get parents more involved: If you think you can handle one of these, or know a team parent that would be great

  • 2019 Budget
    Final Payments due as of today. You all need team managers.
    I will send checks for all leagues. Confirm League List
    Ref Fees, you will get a check for the month to cover schedule
    – Communicate costs and expenses to keep in sync. (tournaments)
  • Uniforms (Jay Rutan)
    Game Uniforms: should be in by end of months, have extra shorts if problems.
    – Shooting Shirts: Can order same or get new design. Can use shirts from awards (I have more)
    – Coaches Gear: Need sizes & want your name on it? Will try to get by Walp Tournament
  • Scheduling: Team Snap is Master
    • Practices
      Monthly Schedule: Requests due next Friday
      – December tight: work to find space at rec. Expense if you rent
      – No kids in hallways; end by 9:30
      – 25th: Rec Closes at 5. Both gyms from 3-5 (Stolte, Me, Cottrell)
    • Home Games
      Leagues :CJB Working with Al on nights, MidMon is set
      You are in charge for your games. Issues at the gym: Call Me
      – Notify me of any changes. Restrictions on weekday games
      – Last Minute Cancels (Weather): Word to me from schools and rec center. I will communicate as soon as I find out
  • Walp Tournament
    – Biggest Fundraiser: Make this our marquee event of the year. Participation & Hype (Pep Rally)?
    – Vic & Anthony’s team: one feature game
    – All other teams pool play
    – Monroe Teams free **IF PARENTS MEET VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS**, otherwise $250
  • Fundraising
    • Program
      Monroe Gear
      – One more event?
    • Teams
      Teams can do own fundraisers to cover costs (tournaments, leagues)
      – Rules: All fundraisers must be approved (no kids just asking for money aka canning)
      All money must come through the program account. Need to protect ourselves from a bad situation