Monroe Gym Scheduling


Permits are granted to MTTBA for practices and games. Use of gyms must be pre-
approved by the Board. The head coach or a Board approved assistant coach must always be present.

Rules for Gym Scheduling:

  • Scheduling is tracked with the MTTB Admin team on TeamSnap. Gym availability
    can be checked on the MTTB Admin TeamSnap calendar or on found on this page below.
  • We try for a minimum of two practices per week for every team. If you have a
    home game that week, you may be limited to one pending availability.
  • Younger age groups (3rd - 5th) get priority for earlier gym times
  • On weeks where gym space is limited, we will double up teams at Applegarth.
  • Cancellations must be reported to the Director of Facilities asap.


Directions for reserving gym space:

  • We try to reserve gym space for a month out. All requests for the next month must
    be received by the 23rd of the current month. (ie: Sept 23rd for October
  • Email your request to or fill out the
    'Gym Time Quick Request' on this page.
  • The scheduling coordinator will work out the schedule trying to accommodate all
    requests and post to the calendar prior to the start of the month.
  • After the month has been scheduled, it is first come first serve for any additional
    availability. You can request at any time using the email address listed above or
    on the practice schedule site.
  • Ad-hoc requests must be received by the Friday before the requested practice
    date so that we have time to communicate schedule changes with school admins
    and custodians.

Gym Time Quick Request:

Please enter your name.
Please enter a message.

