Covid-19 Guidlines
All participants of the program are required to follow the following COVID-19 Guidelines.
These guidelines are in addition to any Federal, State, and local rules including quarantine periods related to traveling out of state.
We need all of our Monroe Travel Families to do their part for us to have a successful season!
Leagues Information & Forms
Teams will only be allowed to enter leagues that have been reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors.
Each venue has different rules for waiver forms, temperature checks, and spectator rules. Please review prior to each game.
Monroe Sports Center
Must complete our Team Snap health Check prior to every game
Check the following link for the latest spectator rules for each gym used by MSC
Link to MSC Spectator Rules for each gym location
Indoor practices will be held at locations approved and scheduled by the Board of Directors. Coaches cannot book practices outside of our process without prior approval.
Coaches & Team Managers
- The coach will enter the facility to check in their team and get their court assignment.
- Team Manager will confirm all Health Check forms have been completed on TeamSnap for the practice. Any player that does not complete or pass the health check prior to arrival will not be allowed to enter the facility.
- Coaches & Team Managers are required to wear a mask for the duration of the practice.
- Players must fill out the Health Check on TeamSnap prior to arriving for practice.
- Indoor Events:
- Temperatures will be taken by either the hosting facility or the Team Manager.
- Due to capacity restrictions, only coaches, players, and team managers are allowed in the building for practices.
- Players must wait outside the building until their coach calls them in.
- Face mask must be worn by players when entering and cannot be removed until health check has been complete and they arrive at their designated court.
- Players must wear their face mask anytime they are leaving the court area (going to bathroom, exiting practice, …)
- Players do not need to wear masks while they are practicing (parent’s discretion).
- Players must bring their own water, clearly labelled with their name.
Health Check
Your health is our number one priority. Therefore we are requiring all athletes and coaches to be screened prior to all program practices, games, and other events. Part of the screening process will be answering questions about symptoms and exposure to COVID-19. These questions will be answered via TeamSnap.
All participants will receive a temperature check prior to entering facilities for practices and games.
If your child has experienced any of these symptoms in the past 24-hours please do not bring them to any activities. Immediately contact your local healthcare provider for medical advice.
See the following pages for step by step instructions on how to complete the health check.
When complete depending on the answers to all questions you will be cleared to participate, or you will not be cleared to participate. Results for this information will be saved in TeamSnap for Coaches to track prior to the event starting. All they will see is a Failed, Incomplete or Passed Checklist of completion and this is only stored for 90 days.